Elevate Your Business Efficiency: Seamlessly Integrate Zoho CRM with Razorpay for Enhanced Payment Management

In this fast-paced modern business era, efficiency leads to success stories. However, in the race for productivity and customer satisfaction, one area that often needs to catch up is payment management. This ignored and crucial aspect can make a massive difference to your business’s bottom line. The solution to this aspect is the integration of… Continue reading Elevate Your Business Efficiency: Seamlessly Integrate Zoho CRM with Razorpay for Enhanced Payment Management

Why Reconciling Bank and Credit Card Accounts is Essential in Zoho Books

Businesses worldwide lose approximately 5% of their earnings to fraud each year –Association of Certified Fraud Examiners 2022 Survey. Often, the causal factor is a lack of proper financial oversight. An important preventative measure to deal with such fraud is reconciliation of accounts. By comparing two sets of data like bank statements, ledger, etc., reconciliation… Continue reading Why Reconciling Bank and Credit Card Accounts is Essential in Zoho Books

A Guide to Mastering CRM Object Query Language (COQL) for Efficient Data Retrieval in Zoho CRM

Mastering COQL: Fetching Records from Zoho CRM Businesses increasingly prioritise customer-centricity as a crucial strategy, thus making customer relationship management systems indispensable. Consequently, businesses today hold vast amounts of customer intelligence. However, most organisations struggle to efficiently utilise this data. Rather than piling up customer data, businesses must leverage it rightly to drive business decision-making.… Continue reading A Guide to Mastering CRM Object Query Language (COQL) for Efficient Data Retrieval in Zoho CRM

Popular Office 365 Integrations With Zoho CRM

Customer relationship management software applications have led the business world into a new paradigm of efficiency. No wonder every organisation that wants to be successful works with some form of a CRM system. While CRM systems were already beneficial, the development of Zoho CRM has taken things to the next level. Zoho CRM is a… Continue reading Popular Office 365 Integrations With Zoho CRM

What Are The Most Popular ZOHO CRM Integrations Of 2024

Given the day and age of our existence, automatic results aren’t just from the washing machines we use is supposed to be everywhere, especially when there is much work to complete with less time. However, with AI (Artificial Intelligence) almost conquering the world, most businesses still lag because of the multiple manual works involved in… Continue reading What Are The Most Popular ZOHO CRM Integrations Of 2024